Our 2022 fall foray was a full event! While the preceding week was dry, we still managed to find a number of interesting specimens, and the forecasted rain held off for the day.
Members submitted photos of mushrooms for identification, or to share interesting finds. There were three sections: (1) presentations on collection and ID, (2) ID of pictures sent in advance, (3) sharing of interesting finds sent in advance, and (4) sharing of pictures or video of specimens in real time for ID or discussion.
2019 Kentville Ravine Foray
There was a late season mushroom walk held at the Kentville Ravine (on the grounds of the Kentville Agriculture Centre) on Saturday, October 26th, 2019, beginning at 9:00 am at the Picnic Shelter. All were welcome at this free event.
Many late season mushrooms brought on by the recent rains were found.
Photos of this event taken by Dan Hutt can be found on Flickr: NSMS Otter Ponds Foray 2018.